Thursday, February 23, 2017

Cody Rumsey

Mr. P

Period 4


The Family Business

            Ever since I was little I’ve always been getting in trouble. My family says that I should just go to college already. I’m 19 years old and I’m involved in a drug business. I know that I have the brains for college; I just don’t have the patients for the work and all the idiots that come with the business.  I’ve always wanted to finish my education but I have very big responsibilities in my family business.

            “Are you doing okay Nestor?” my father asked. “Yeah I’m fine… why do you ask?” I said. “It’s just that… you know… I know that you really want to go to college but I feel like you have to stay because of the business.” My father said. “I mean it would be great to get my education finished so that I can one day support a family, but I mean the family business is really important.” I said. “Son, there are 100 different people I would completely trust continuing this business. If you wanna go off to college then I’ll be alright, right where I am” my father said. “Okay dad, I’ll think about it” I said.

            I was walking home from the store and I heard my name being yelled from behind. “NESTOR!” I looked behind me to see my brothers face. “Austin!” I yelled. I ran up to him and gave him a hug. “What’s up bro haven’t seen you in forever!” My brother said. “I know right it been like four years.” I said. “Yeah something like that.” He replied. “So how’ve you been?” I asked. “I’m doing really well actually; I’ve been staying out of the jail so that’s always good.” He replied. “Yeah, so what brings you back?” I asked. “I wanted to see if dad would give me a job in the family business.” He replied. “That’s amazing, I’m proud of you. You seem like you’re doing a lot better.” I said. “Thanks and yeah I’ve been a lot better. “I have to go but it was nice to see you and catch up with you bro.” I said. “Okay see you around” he replied.

            “Wow, what are the chances of me running into Austin like this?” I thought to myself. I hurried home with the food to tell my parents the wonderful news. “Dad!” I yelled. “What Nestor?” he asked. “Guess who I just saw?” I replied. “Who?” he questioned. “Austin! He’s here in town and he wants a job in the family business!” I said. “Really?!” he questioned. “We haven’t seen him in a while and I thought he wanted nothing to do with the family business.” He said. “Me too but he is here and wants a job in the family business” I said. “Well if he comes over then I’m sure I can find him a position in the family business” he said. “Okay, sounds good” I replied.

            “Now that my brother is back he can take over the family business.” I thought to myself. That means that I can go to college, get my education, and create a family for myself. But I wasn’t going to just jump right into it, I needed to think about what I was going to choose, and even if I did choose to go to college what would I choose my degree in? I had a lot to think about in kinda a short amount of time.

            I lay on my bed in my room that night wide awake. My mind was racing with so many thoughts I could barely keep up with them. I was thinking about my family, my friends, but also my future family and what kind of future would be better for them. I couldn’t stop thinking about everything so i decided to go for a little walk. I had to be very careful because my parents wake up from the littlest sounds. T got dressed, grabbed my keys and started for the door. As soon as I got to the door I heard someone coming out of their bedroom… my parent’s bedroom. My heart started racing, I wondered if I should run back to my room or quickly run out the door. Without me knowing it I raced out the door and down the block. I honestly didn’t even know how I got myself to go out the door. The one rule that my parents have is to never sneak out at night. We live in the ghetto. And when I say ghetto I mean like you hear gun shots at night on a regular basis. But yet I was still walking down the street, one foot in front of the other. I just needed some fresh air… some time to clear my head, get my thoughts organized and everything situated.

            As I was walking down the street about a mile away from home, I saw a bunch of cars in the middle of the street and a big group of guys in the circle of cars. I didn’t really know what they were doing but I also didn’t really care either. As I got closer I saw one of the guys pull out a gun and point it and one of the others. I froze in position… I didn’t even begin to know what to do or to even think. There was a lot of yelling and in a split second the yelling was replaced with screaming and a single gunshot. The man who was pointing the gun at the other guy had pulled the trigger. The bullet hit the guy in the chest and he immediately collapsed onto the ground. As soon I grabbed hold of what the hell was going on I sprinted into the nearest bush to hide behind. “What the f*** just happened!” I yelled to myself. My heart and mind were racing at this point. I thought that my heart was going to pound out of my chest. Before I knew it, all the cars raced off down the street and were gone, including the man who was just shot. All that was there was a pool of blood in the middle of the street where he laid. I immediately ran home as fast as I could. I sprinted in the door, ran to my room and shut the door.

            I don’t know what happened to me but that’s all I remember from that night. I woke up the next morning and was beyond confused. “How did I even fall asleep” I said to myself. Was it just all that adrenalin that it was too much and I passed out? I had no idea and never wanted to think about it again. I went down stairs to get some breakfast and saw my mom and dad all ready for work and had made breakfast. “Nestor, come sit down please we need to talk to you about something.” My mother said. I slowly walked over and sat down. “Yes?” I asked. “I want you to tell me the truth about what I’m going to ask you, and you better not lie to me” she said with a very serious voice. Oh s*** is this about the shooting last night? I said to myself. “Ok, what’s up?” I asked with a very calm voice. “Did you sneak out last night?” she asked. Quick think of something to say I thought to myself. “Um… not necessarily, I mean yeah I went out just to the sidewalk to vape and clear my head. I said. “Well why couldn’t you have just done that inside?” my mother questioned. “Because I needed to get some fresh air.” I replied. “Oh, ok honey just next time try to be a little quieter.” She said. “Ok I’ll try.” I said.

“Hey mom.” I said. “Yes honey?” she said. “Do you think that you could help me apply for a few colleges?” I asked. “College?” she asked. “I thought you didn’t want to go to college.” She said. “Well at first I didn’t but now I do. I want to be able to support myself and a family one day.” I said. “Okay then, lets see what we can find.” She said.

            For the next couple of weeks I put up a portfolio and selected a college to go to, I chose to go to UNLV. I’ve always been a Rebels fan. I will leave in a month. Going to a college is a scary thing, but I’m ready for the challenge. For the next two weeks I will be packing all of my stuff up for college.

            The trip up to UNLV was nerve-racking. I didn’t know what to expect. I tried to just sleep it off in the car but that didn’t really help. I’ve never really been to a big school before, let alone a college. I didn’t know if I would make any friends, or be one of the losers in the back, but I was ready for the challenge. “Look at our little boy who’s grown up into a man” my mother cried. “You’re going to be such a great father one day.” Said my father. “Thanks guys, I’ll always love you both so much.” I said. “And don’t forget to call us on your free time or on the weekends.” My mother said. “I won’t forget… I promise.” I said. I said my final goodbyes as I began to walk into the University. I stopped right at the door, looked back and waved goodbye. I’ll never forget how much my family has supported me. Then I walked into the building and I was greeted by one of the staff. I thought to myself, my new story starts here.